Stories about Father

From a minister: “My father was a very positive person and moved mountains to create his dreams. He...

The Healing Power Of Nature

In today’s fast-paced lifestyle, people are spending more time indoors, losing a valuable...

Alpha Meditation: About, Benefits & How To Reach Alpha State

There’s something that boosts your creativity, helps you de-stress, actually builds a better brain,...

Dehydrated Pumpkin Seed Crackers

Yield: 12 1-ounce servings

Healing through Sound: Vocal Toning

Focusing the mind, quiets the mind. Your energy is an important part of the healing process for...

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, Part 2

In last week’s article, we talked about how to cleanse the body and mind through Diet. This week,...

How Physical Health Affects Your Mental Health

Simply put: Our body can affect how quiet and calm our mind is.And, our mind can affect how...

Mindful Eating, Part 2

Here’s the 2nd part of our blog post on Mindful Eating. We hope it’s helpful to you…

Mindful Eating, Part 1

When we’re stressed, it’s easy to reach for food to help comfort our emotions. During these times...

Difficult Emotions, Part 2

Here’s the 2nd part of our blog post on how to handle challenging emotions during challenging...