Enjoy a Holistic Wellness Retreat in San Diego or Austin

When you think about self-care, one of the most healing things you can do for yourself is to go on...

15+ Morning Journal Writing Prompts

Journaling is the intentional process of writing down your thoughts, feelings, ideas, plans, hopes,...

How To Strengthen Your Mind, Body & Spirit Connection

The mind body spirit connection is the way in which multiple aspects of health are intertwined. If...

Missionary Spotlight: Get to Know OHI Missionary, Judy Shaw

Judy Shaw has held many titles in her lifetime. Besides being a 20-year realtor, she was also a...

How To Prioritize Yourself

There is so much content about self-care and making yourself a priority. All the advice is...

Jacquie Solomon, OHI Scholarship Recipient, Faces a Health Opportunity with Courage

“Many people living in San Diego know OHI,” said Jacquie Solomon, a recent OHI scholarship...

6 Tips For Recentering Yourself & Finding Peace

Feeling Emotional?  6 Tips to Recenter Yourself

Everyone has had their emotions run away with them...

What Is A Wellness Retreat & What Are The Benefits?

Everyone is looking to get away and reconnect. Some want to reconnect with their partner. Others...

Positive Prayer: About, Benefits & Positive Prayer Examples

Everyone prays. But how do you know if you’re doing it “right”? Should we express gratitude? Can we...

How To Achieve A Better Mind-Body Connection

There is a complex interrelationship between your mind and your body.  The mind-body connection...