Enjoy a Holistic Wellness Retreat in San Diego or Austin
When you think about self-care, one of the most healing things you can do for yourself is to go on...
When you think about self-care, one of the most healing things you can do for yourself is to go on...
Journaling is the intentional process of writing down your thoughts, feelings, ideas, plans, hopes,...
The mind body spirit connection is the way in which multiple aspects of health are intertwined. If...
Judy Shaw has held many titles in her lifetime. Besides being a 20-year realtor, she was also a...
There is so much content about self-care and making yourself a priority. All the advice is...
“Many people living in San Diego know OHI,” said Jacquie Solomon, a recent OHI scholarship...
Feeling Emotional? 6 Tips to Recenter Yourself
Everyone has had their emotions run away with them...
Everyone is looking to get away and reconnect. Some want to reconnect with their partner. Others...
Everyone prays. But how do you know if you’re doing it “right”? Should we express gratitude? Can we...
There is a complex interrelationship between your mind and your body. The mind-body connection...