Missionary Spotlight: Get to Know OHI Missionary, Robin Turk
Over the years, Robin Turk has found OHI San Diego to feel like a second home to her. “I first learned about OHI when I was 21 years old,” said Robin. “I was having a lot of health issues, and I learned about OHI’s raw vegan program through my macrobiotic studies. Over the years I have returned to OHI several times, and I even brought my daughter, mother, and grandmother with me for several trips. My most recent stay was at the end of 2023. I was having health issues related to the high stress of my career that was taxing my immune system and adrenals. My doctor wanted to manage my health through pharmaceuticals, but I knew that wasn’t the right path for me. I went to OHI for a 2-week stay for a mind-body reset, and then applied to the missionary program. I spent three months at OHI, and it was exactly what I needed. I have stopped taking all medications, and my neuropathy is virtually gone. I feel 30-years younger, and I know I’ve reset this next chapter of my life to be more vibrant. I always knew the power of the raw vegan diet, but three months of clean eating showed me how completely my body can heal when given the right fuel. It was amazing.”