Rhonda Yeoman was just such a person. In the Fall of 2017 she weighed over 300 pounds, and was diagnosed with cancer. Her naturopath guided her to lose weight and eat a vegan diet. He also recommended OHI, but high medical bills made it so she could not afford it.
By August this year, she had lost 80 pounds, but was still struggling with health opportunities, so the naturopath sponsored her for a week at OHI.
Ms. Yeoman responded dramatically to our classes and teachers, she said, “It was so exciting, and a privilege to be with a whole family of people who want to heal!” But because of her medical debts she could not complete the three week holistic healing program.
Guests Like You Helped Rhonda Succeed!
Here’s where our guests came to the rescue – their donations made it possible for her to attend two more weeks! Today, Rhonda has lost over 100 pounds, and her tumors have stopped growing.
She says, “I’ll never forget the gift of scholarship for the rest of my life. Because of OHI, I now have a different respect on what my body is doing for me.” Rhonda has become an outspoken cheerleader for OHI, and has even been invited to speak at a conference on natural healing alternatives where she will share her OHI experience.
What Does OHI Mean to You?
As you reflect on how OHI has touched your life, please consider how our healing mission has made a difference in the lives of those who cannot afford our program. The OHI Scholarship Fund, has made it possible for people with life-threatening health opportunities to begin the process of healing body, mind and spirit.
As the year comes to a close, would you consider helping with a tax-deductible gift that will help even more people next year?
OHI Scholarship Helped Reunite a Mother and Daughter in Good Health
When Gina Klingelhoets learned she had breast cancer, she realized she needed supportive people in her life to help her get through this health opportunity. However, her solitary job as a medical researcher rarely put her in contact with people, which meant she didn’t have anyone to draw on from work.
When she received her diagnosis, her holistic wellness coach recommended OHI. She then told her mother. Upon hearing the news, her mother was immediately ready to provide support to Gina. She even signed up for the OHI program where they shared a guest room and bath.
Our Guests Provided the Welcoming Arms that Helped Gina Open Up
Then as Gina found herself warmly welcomed into our community – the open communication, the love, the acceptance – she felt her relationship with mother growing stronger as well.
Gifts, from guests like you, not only helped Gina with her health opportunity, but it also helped her grow emotionally and spiritually so that she was able to bond with others like never before, and to develop deep and meaningful relationships.
You see, guest donations truly help people heal body, mind and spirit. And, these are just two of the amazing stories of the many people our guests have helped with their contributions to OHI.
Share the Love, Share the Feeling, Share the Gift of Healing
As you remember the spirit of peace, love, and camaraderie that you felt here at OHI, please remember those who have life threatening health opportunities and need financial assistance.
The OHI community relies on acts of kindness and generosity from people like you to support those in need. Last year your donations made it possible for OHI to provide 97 scholarships. This year we’ve increased our goal significantly. Word has spread of the good work we’ve been doing, and many more people with serious health opportunities are reaching out to us for help. Our goal is to provide 350 scholarships which means we must raise $500,000 by year end. Your backing will make this vital effort possible.
And, as the year comes to a close, I am asking you to help out with a year-end, tax-deductible gift that will help even more people next year.
Celebrate Your OHI Community with a Contribution Today!
Since 1976, friends of OHI like you have helped thousands of people like Rhonda and Gina. And, since all of our scholarships are for people who otherwise could not afford our program, their healing has been possible because of our guests’ generous support. Thank you.
Would you be willing to make a special year-end gift today of $50, $100, $500 or whatever you can afford to help hundreds of people with life-threatening health opportunities?
Please make your donation now by:
Optimum Health Institute
ATTN: OHI Scholarship Fund
6970 Central Avenue
Lemon Grove, CA 91945
Your tax-deductible gift will be IMMEDIATELY put to use providing needed scholarships. Thank you in advance for your kindhearted assistance.
Reverend Robert Nees Jr.
Senior Pastor and Chairman Optimum Health Institute, San Diego and Austin