In 2010, Melissa Ferrata was faced with a significant health opportunity — Stage 4 Colon Cancer. “I was considered terminal,” said Melissa. “My doctors used me as a guinea pig and threw every possible treatment they could at me. I had massive doses of radiation, and every possible chemo that was meant to treat cancers that I didn’t have.
Somehow, I made it through and after a year was considered cancer-free. Within four weeks of ringing that bell, I thought I was dying. My body was gutted from the toxicity of the treatment. I knew I had to be my own health advocate and was reading everything I could to find an alternate way to heal my body. I found a brief description of OHI in the back of the book I was reading. It was a God moment. I picked up the phone and checked into OHI Austin the following Sunday. I didn’t know what to expect, but it completely changed my life. I truly believe, the OHI cleanse and diet was God healing me from the inside out. Over the last 13 years, I have returned to OHI whenever I felt stuck or that I was getting off track. I’ve been a return guest 10 times. If anyone ever asks about my cancer journey, I tell them that OHI saved me. I would not have survived if I didn’t come here. The wheatgrass juice cleanse flushed the toxins out that were killing me, but truthfully that wasn’t enough to save me. It was putting living raw veggies, fermented foods, and sprouted foods into my body that healed me. The living food put life back into me. I think everyone should make OHI the foundation of their better health.”
Each time Melissa visits OHI, she makes it a point to immerse herself in the classes. “Every class on the roster is an invaluable education,” said Melissa. “OHI has taught me so much about food prep and juicing. I can’t believe I never learned about nutrition, digestion, and elimination in health class back in high school. Now I understand what my body is capable of and how the nutrition found in raw vegetables heals and fuels my body. If everyone understood this, I think people would make very different choices in the food they put into their body. I also love the lymphatic exercise classes, and bought a CD so that I can do lymphatic exercise at home. Beyond the body classes, I also love all the mind and spirit classes. Journaling and meditation have helped me so much and are now an important part of my life.”
Melissa has made juicing a regular part of her routine at home. “I do a weekly cleanse at least one day a week,” said Melissa. “God made our bodies to heal, and when I juice I can feel my body getting stronger.”
One of the best things to come out of Melissa’s many stays at OHI are the friendships she has made with fellow guests. “On some visits, I’ve been with a larger cohort, and other times I’ve shared my stay with a smaller group,” said Melissa. “I’ve loved my experience at OHI with a smaller group. You bond so tightly. You’re willing to open up so deeply when it feels like a small family gathering. Yet I’ve also loved the joy and exuberance to be found in experiencing the program with a larger group. The laughter and the fun of a big group makes it feel like you’re floating through the week together. Whether the group is big or small, life stops when you walk into that OHI safe bubble. I honestly believe that it always works out the way it’s supposed to, and the group that arrives on the same day are the people you’re meant to meet on that trip.”
“The friendships I have made with OHI guests are forever. The experience truly bonds you. And while I’m gushing about how wonderful the fellow guests are, I need to give a shout-out to the OHI staff. They are the heart and soul of OHI. Their positivity, their kindness, and their patience are the reason why I have a wonderful experience every time I go there. And the depth of their knowledge is astonishing.”
“No matter how many times I’ve taken a class, I always learn something new. The education and training they have is so impressive. The facilitators not only educate you how to achieve your better health but inspire you to want better for yourself. The staff inspires me, and when I share the story of my health journey with others it inspires them. What a beautiful way to create a full-circle experience of positivity. I hope everyone who reads this story is inspired to book a visit to OHI. No matter what your health opportunity, the visit is sure to be life-changing.”
To learn more about the OHI for Life Body-Mind-Spirit Program, call (800) 588-0809.