Wellness Blog

Chronic Inflammation: Causes & Ways To Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is a normal response triggered by the immune system to protect the body against injury...

Staying Connected Safely in Our New Abnormal

Sunny Spring greetings to our OHI community, I offer warm blessings and great optimism as we forge...

The Pros & Cons Of Intermittent Fasting

Fasting has been a common practice for thousands of years. Fast forward to the 21st century, and...

Plant-Based Diet For Cancer: Can It Help?

In recent years, the number of Americans who’ve chosen a plant-based lifestyle has dramatically...

The Health Benefits Of Walking

Walking, much like singing, steadies the mind. When we place one foot in front of the other, we...

How To Detox Your Body

After spending time with us at Optimum Health Institute, you’ll experience firsthand how your...

How To Set Better SMART Goals

We are already into the third month of the New Year, and spring is just around the corner. This is...

Light Therapy: About & Health Benefits

In OHI’s Elimination class, we talk about how sunlight is an essential ingredient for good health,...

Get to Know OHI Missionary, Barbara Hochmann

Ten years ago Barbara Hochmann was surfing online, looking for ideas to lead a healthier life. She...

What Is Chromatherapy & How Does It Work?

Color can have a major influence on how we feel and how we react in different situations. Because...