Wellness Blog

The Emotional Freedom of Saying ‘No’

All the passengers have boarded the plane, and the flight attendant takes her place at the head of...

Understanding the Benefits of a Raw Food Diet

Fruits and vegetables lose a considerable amount of their nutrients when they are heated above 105...

Understanding the Benefits of a Raw Food Diet

Fruits and vegetables lose a considerable amount of their nutrients when they are heated above 105...

Can a Healthy Lifestyle Be Contagious?

It’s not unusual for an extended stay at an Optimum Health Institute mission in San Diego or...

Transforming Emotions, Part 2

Last week we shared some tips on how to transform emotions, like anger and anxiety, to achieve and...

Transforming Emotions – Part 1

Candace Pert, PhD, the late neuroimmunologist and spiritual author, speaker and visionary,...

Come Join OHI in Celebrating 40 Years of Holistic Healing

You and OHI – we have a history together.

Emotions of the Fall

Fall is just around the corner. Autumn is the season of change, when the focus shifts from the...