Wellness Blog

Richness of Spirit

Perhaps you’ve experienced it – that moment when someone walks into a room, and seems to fill it...

There’s Holiday Magic in the Air at OHI

A special magic is in the air at the Optimum Health Institute (OHI) during the holiday season. ...

A Time for Gratitude

Here’s a quick little daily exercise guaranteed to help you turn your life into a happier,...

Tips for Fighting Fatigue

Balancing all aspects of your life and keeping a level head can be draining—especially if you fill...

How Your Posture Influences Your Health

Posture is not often discussed when it comes to improving health and reducing the likelihood of...

How to Create More Mindful Meals

In a world where processed food is a quick and convenient choice, it may be easy to fall into the...

What’s Fresh This Fall?

Fresh produce is essential for raw dieting , because fruits and vegetables offer their fullest...

Field Trips for Fall!

Not all lessons take place in classroom. In fact, some of the most meaningful and profound...

New and Improved Classes at OHI

Almond coconut cookies, vision boards and getting back to your roots with organic gardening ...

Surrendering to the Divine Stillness of Fall

While crisp autumn nights paint the leaves a glorious palate of rich colors, that beauty is...