Wellness Blog

The Receiving End

“Until we can receive with an open heart, we’re never really giving with an open heart.” 

Easy-to-Grow Vegetables for Summer

Home-grown vegetables may encourage you to eat healthier and prepare more of your meals at...

Good Grief

“Into each life some rain must fall.”

People Need People!

A lack of social connection can be more dangerous for your physical health than obesity, smoking...

The Magic Touch

Sometimes, a person “getting under your skin” can be just what you need. A licensed massage...

The Mind-Body Connection

Here’s a quick experiment to show how closely your mind and body are linked.

Eating Pretty

We spent $426 billion dollars on beauty products last year, lathering, slathering, toning and...

Common Chemicals Found In Scented Products, Part II

Household products and personal care products commonly contain a long list of ingredients, which...

Common Chemicals Found In Scented Products, Part 1

If you frequently use scented products to clean your home or as part of your beauty routine, you...