Wellness Blog

Tips for Saving the Planet, Part II

We only get one planet, and the resources on it are limited. Because planet Earth is everyone’s...

Finding Your Core Values

“When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier.”

Tips for Saving our Planet-Part I

No one person can save the world, but the collective efforts of many can make a big impact for the...

Easy Summertime Harvest- Part II

Enjoy the most flavorful and nutritious foods during the summer by planting your own fruits and...

Developing Richness of Spirit

Perhaps you’ve experienced it – that moment when a certain person walks into a room, and it’s as...

OHI Austin Offers an Island of Peace

Your OHI Austin experience will provide a safe and sacred place where you can escape your busy...

The Receiving End

“Until we can receive with an open heart, we’re never really giving with an open heart.” 

Easy-to-Grow Vegetables for Summer

Home-grown vegetables may encourage you to eat healthier and prepare more of your meals at...

Good Grief

“Into each life some rain must fall.”