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We are a word of mouth ministry here at OHI. We do not do incur any additional expense subscribing...
We are a word of mouth ministry here at OHI. We do not do incur any additional expense subscribing...
When you listen to music, your whole body tunes in and reacts in different ways, depending on the...
The vibrant selection of fresh fruits and vegetables available in the summertime offers the perfect...
Every time a family got together on the 4th of July, they’d make Grandma’s special brisket exactly...
We continue our five-part look at the senses, exploring in depth how each relates to all aspects...
A warm cup of tea can provide a soothing break at any point in the day so you can relax and...
It’s easy to get burned out. With work responsibilities, family obligations, social commitments,...
“A young boy without a father is like an explorer without a map.”
— Steve Harvey
Not too long...
We continue our five-part look at the senses, exploring in depth how each relates to all aspects...
While the five senses – vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch – are an important aspect of our...