Wellness Blog

The Connection Between Spiritual Health and Physical Health

Holistic wellness is the integration of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. To achieve...

The Health Benefits Of Volunteering

Greetings OHI community; here’s wishing you optimum health and wellness as we enter the fall...

The Advantages of Empathy

Empathy is the ability to identify, understand, and share the thoughts and feelings of another...

How To Make Good Health Decisions

If you’re a good judge of character; if you feel a duty to help people see right from wrong and if...

The Power Of Words

How many times a day do we sabotage ourselves by carelessly choosing words that can keep us feeling...

The Best Pumpkin Seed Cracker Recipe

Winter squash not only burst with flavor, but it’s also packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber....

Cultivate Creativity to Improve Spiritual Wellness

We all look at “creativity” as a goal. If we were more creative, we could write, paint, or sing our...

How Spirituality Affects Your Mental Health

When you pursue a life of optimum holistic health, you realize that your overall wellness is...

The Top 10 Health Benefits Of Stretching Regularly

We’re not stretching the truth when we say stretching is for EVERYONE! As we age our muscles...

Food As Medicine: The Connection Between Disease & Diet

Healthful food has a HUGE impact on mental and physical health. So why isn’t food treated with the...