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Scholarship Spotlight: Paul Steinberg Thanks OHI for Meaningful Stay

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Paul Steinberg understands irony. “For over 20 years I had worked in pharmaceutical business development getting drugs into clinical trials,” said Paul. “I was diagnosed with kidney cancer in December 2022. It then became obvious to me that pharmaceuticals were less about curing patients than acquiring customers. I made the decision that I didn’t want to rely on biotech to turn my cancer around. Hippocrates said ‘food is your medicine,’ so I radically changed my diet as a first step. I was already largely vegetarian but saw the value in a raw plant-based diet. Even with my diet improvement, I knew I still needed a radical change in my life to better fight the cancer. A friend told me about OHI, and I immediately applied for a scholarship.

I arrived at the San Diego campus December 2023. The instant sense of wellbeing that I felt was incredible. The staff and guests were all so kind and approachable. I met so many like-minded people who have become part of my support community.”

Paul’s time at OHI was all memorable, but the most meaningful moment came at the end of his stay. “On my final day, Kathy Hertz, a missionary, invited me to celebrate my progress in the garden,” said Paul. “When we arrived, there were 12 people waiting and they held a support ceremony just for me. Everyone sat in a circle, and each spoke about me. I thought to myself ‘Why am I deserving of all this attention?’ They told me they came together because I needed to understand how many people truly supported me on my healing journey. It was honestly one of the most moving moments of my life. I recorded it on my phone, and I am so grateful to be able to listen to all the beautiful words whenever I am feeling particularly vulnerable.”

What are Paul’s words of advice for anyone facing a health challenge? “OHI’s full 3-week program will change the way you eat, but it’s the people who will forever change your life for the better. Thank you for the scholarship, OHI. I am truly grateful.”

Please consider contributing to the OHI Scholarship Fund to help those in need experience the benefits of the OHI for Life program. Over the course of our 47 years, OHI has provided scholarships to individuals who could not afford to otherwise attend. In most years, we have been able to fulfill all requests for assistance through the generosity of our community. OHI invites you to join us in celebrating our healing mission with a tax-deductible gift. Your contribution will help to make our community stronger, healthier, and more vibrant.

Provide the Gift of Healing today by supporting the OHI Scholarship Fund with a tax-deductible:
• One-Time Donation, or
• Sustainable Monthly Contribution

Call us at (800) 588-0809 to make your contribution.

Thank you for your generosity!

Optimum Health Institute is a non-profit, religious organization. Your donation is tax-deductible.