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Strengthening Community Bonds during the Holidays – Optimum Health Institute

Written by OHI | Oct 14, 2024 12:00:00 PM

Greetings OHI community. Mmm... the season is changing - can you feel it in the air? The rich colors, warm sweaters, harvest fruits and vegetables. The heat of summer is waning as the cooler temps beckon us to walk among the autumn leaves and gather around a backyard fire pit with friends and family. And, before we know it, the holidays will be here.

You may recall from our summer newsletter, I continued our theme of Unity and wrote about the supportive culture that is woven throughout our OHI for Life Body-Mind-Spirit program, and how our classes and activities create a powerful sense of belonging in the OHI community. We looked at how Unity fosters cooperation among people and develops a sense of responsibility and commitment to one another that enables the resolution of challenges and opportunities. In this issue I will focus on how holidays and celebration unite people and strengthen the bonds between them.

Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Romans 12:10

I offer this verse because the last four years of Covid derailed the momentum of holiday festivities and family traditions. The lockdown discouraged gatherings, leading to disconnection and a loss of the joy in coming together. Warm hugs and handshakes were replaced by cautious fist bumps, lacking genuine affection. The pandemic affected our holiday get-togethers. Thanksgiving and Christmas used to unite us, and now it is time for us to bring that back. Let’s explore how we can restore these traditions and their importance.

How the Holidays Help to Unify Us

Celebration is universal across all cultures. Getting together and enjoying fellowship is the heart and soul of creating events that unite people. Look around the world, there are many well known events that attract thousands to revel, dance, socialize, eat, drink, and be merry.

In Thailand there's the Yi Peng Lantern Festival which fills the night sky with floating glowing objects. The Holi Festival in India is a vibrant celebration where people joyfully throw colored powders at each other to welcome the arrival of spring. Carnival is in Venice, Italy and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. There's Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany and the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain. And in the US, we celebrate Mardi Gras, Austin City Limits, and the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. These are just a handful of celebrations that take place across the globe.

Each of these celebrations reflect the celebrants' values and plays an important part in the local culture. Many of these cultural traditions center on the family or the community. And, we love to celebrate them with each other because we all share the common heritage of a deep human need for connection and belonging.

Therefore let us keep the Festival, not with the old bread leavened with malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. 1 Corinthians 5:8

The United States has been called the "Melting Pot" because we have people from many different backgrounds and cultures; and yet despite all our variety there are still American traditions and customs that unite us as human beings. There is Independence Day, Labor Day, and of course Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is not just about gathering for a meal. It is one of our most important holidays because it focuses on expressing our appreciation. Research has shown that regularly practicing gratitude increases our happiness and promotes good mental health. Gathering with family and friends stimulates positive emotions, and heightens self-esteem. But when we focus on appreciating the people in our lives, and letting them know how important they are to us, it improves our relationship with them.

Holiday Celebrations & Travel Improve Mental Health

According to clinical psychologist Crystal Schiller, PhD. at the University of North Carolina, “Research shows that connecting with other people and performing rituals and traditions can be hugely beneficial for your mental health. The key is to think about what brings you the most joy and meaning during the holiday season and prioritize those things.”

Today's hectic lifestyles need an occasional break. Holidays that include travel have many mental health benefits. Research shows that vacationing during the holidays increases our mental acuity and perceptiveness. When we are doing things we enjoy it decreases stress because we are no longer thinking about all the obligations and responsibilities we have in our day-to-day lives. According to Family Holiday Charity, "Scientists from the Icahn School of Medicine, University of California and Harvard found that just six days away triggers genetic changes which dampens stress, boosts the immune system and lowers levels of proteins linked to dementia and depression."

Holiday travel also boosts our ingenuity and stimulates personal growth. Whenever you experience something new it opens new neural pathways - the electrical connections - between the brain cells. In other words, you have expanded your thinking ability and your store of knowledge - both of which empower you to be more creative. With OHI's 42 classes and activities, you are sure to stimulate your mind.

Spend the Holidays at OHI

A retreat at OHI for the holidays will allow you to relax, refresh, and restore. The moment you make your reservations you'll begin to enjoy the mental benefits because the excitement of looking forward to a vacation stimulates the process of resetting your state of consciousness. And those feelings continue long after your visit especially when you keep in touch with the friends you make. Many of the relationships made at OHI have been known to last a lifetime.

Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:1-2

Come and recharge your unity batteries with us. Celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year this year at OHI with our community of caring people who truly understand you and your health goals. Our table is always open.

We Are Celebrating Our 48th Anniversary

In the mid-1970s, my parents, Bob and Pam Nees, were introduced to Raychel Solomon by my uncle, Reverend Russell Nees. They discovered a shared passion for the healing power of a raw plant-based diet, which Raychel learned from Ann Wigmore at the Hippocrates Institute. My mother, a registered nurse, recognized its potential, while my father offered his organizational expertise to help realize that vision. This September 19th marks 48 years since they united to establish the Optimum Health Institute, believing in the interconnected healing of body, mind, and spirit. Join us in celebrating this milestone and experience the welcoming community that brings many back to OHI year after year.

What’s New at OHI

This past year, we have been busy making enhancements to our program and facilities in both of our locations. We have introduced pricing programs for guests who stay three or more weeks, as well as a rewards program for guests who refer their friends.

In Austin, we have re-roofed the main building, replaced windows, refinished bathtubs, and restored the hardwood floors in our guestrooms. Also, our beloved facilitators, Sheryl Haupt and Danielle Demko, will return on a regular basis to teach classes.

In San Diego, we have refurbished the furniture, spa, and decks in the Courtyard, painted building exteriors, installed new planters and irrigations systems in our organic garden, and refurbished the Courtyard guestrooms. Additionally, Danielle Demko has returned to OHI San Diego on a permanent basis and Sheryl Haupt and Peg Harvey will return periodically to teach classes.

These are just a few of the exciting improvements we've made at OHI, and we can't wait for you to come and experience them firsthand!

Come to OHI this Fall

Find your bliss and rejuvenate this fall in the peaceful relaxed atmosphere at one of our campuses. Our classes and activities are here to help you reset and revitalize your body, mind, and spirit. Schedule today, and experience for yourself the unifying culture at OHI. Be sure to book early – call us (800) 588-0809 to book your stay!

Here's wishing you health and wellness in this fall season.

Yours in prayer,
Robert P. Nees, Jr.
Senior Pastor and Chairman
Optimum Health Institute of San Diego and Austin