1 min read

The OHI Scholarship Fund

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Because of You, People are Healing, HOWEVER…there are more people than ever before with serious health opportunities. Last year your donations made it possible for OHI to provide 97 scholarships. This year we’ve increased our goal significantly. Word has spread of the good work you’ve enabled us to do, and many more people with critical health opportunities are reaching out to us for help.

I would like to thank you for your past donations. As a loyal friend to our healing mission, you have made a difference in the lives of those who cannot afford our program.

Your generosity to the OHI Scholarship Fund, has made it possible for people with severe health opportunities to begin the process of healing body, mind and spirit.

And this year, I am asking you to help out again with a tax-deductible gift that will help even more people.

Share the Love, Share the Feeling, Share the Gift of Healing

The OHI community relies on acts of kindness and generosity from people like you to support those in need. Our goal is to provide 350 scholarships which means we must raise $500,000 by year end. Your continued backing will make this vital effort possible.

Celebrate Your OHI Community with a Contribution Today!

Since 1976, friends of OHI like you have helped thousands of people. And, since all of our scholarships are for people who otherwise could not afford our program, their healing has been possible because of your generous support. Thank you.

Would you be willing to make a special year-end gift today of $50, $100, $250, $500 or whatever you can afford to help hundreds of people with life-threatening health opportunities?

Please make your donation now – by calling (800) 588-0809, or online at www.OptimumHealth.org – Support OHImany more lives are at stake.

Your tax-deductible gift will be IMMEDIATELY put to use providing scholarships. Thank you in advance for your kind-hearted assistance.


Reverend Robert Nees Jr.

Senior Pastor and Chairman Optimum Health Institute, San Diego and Austin