2 min read

Tips for Fighting Fatigue

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Balancing all aspects of your life and keeping a level head can be draining—especially if you fill your schedule with obligations from the moment you wake up to the time you go to bed. When you ask this much of yourself, you can begin to feel the constant drain of fatigue that slows you down and zaps your energy. Apart from easing your workload and taking more time for yourself, you can combat fatigue by following these simple tips for feeling refreshed and energized.

Only wake up once in the morning
If you find yourself fighting the alarm clock every morning, hitting the snooze button again and again, you might benefit from moving the alarm clock away from your bedside. This will force you to get out of bed to turn off the alarm and get started with your day. Falling back asleep over and over will make you feel more tired and groggy once you do finally get out of bed.

Maintain a consistent bedtime
Part of waking up refreshed every morning is getting enough sleep at night. Those who go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time each morning are more likely to have sustained energy throughout the day. Even if you do not need to be up early on weekends, your sleep cycle will benefit if you wake up at the same time on the weekends as you do on weekdays.

Drink more water
You might be surprised how much of a difference a few glasses of water will make for your energy levels. When the body is dehydrated, physical performance is impaired, and energy is wasted, you may feel incredibly tired when you aren’t getting enough water. Instead of reaching for coffee, energy drinks, and caffeinated teas (all of which can lead to caffeine dependence and cause extra stress for your liver), reach for a big glass of water when you first get up.

Start your day with activity
Exercise releases chemicals in the brain that promote a positive mood and ongoing energy. Days that begin with light stretching or a short walk may go much better because you will not have a drag of afternoon fatigue or early morning stress.

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