Wellness Classes & Activities
Welcome to OHI and the OHI for Life Body-Mind-Spirit Program. Spiritual transformation occurs when you apply learning to life.

Our holistic healing program includes over 40 classes and activities taught by experienced facilitators who inspire learning, fun, and holistic wellness. Our classes and activities are based on ancient spiritual disciplines and contemporary teachings for total body, mind, and spirit wellness.
Core Classes
Our core classes help you build a solid, healing foundation by participating in shared classes and activities at OHI. Learn how to improve physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness.
Circle time / meals
Before each meal, meet in fellowship for announcements and focus on an inspirational word for the day and prayer.
Welcome orientation
Gain an overview of the program, facility, classes, activities, and services that will support you on your journey to optimum health.
First Week Classes & Activities
Become aware of your body, mind, and spirit. Learn to listen to your needs. Practice gratitude. Feel inspired to take simple steps to improve your life and spiritual wellness.
Alpha I
Practice Alpha meditation techniques to quiet the mind, manage stress, release tension, and control pain.
Closing Class
Set realistic goals, strive for progress (not perfection), journal your progress, and have fun on your new adventure toward optimum health.
Learn to optimize digestion in all organs (brain, mouth, throat, stomach, pancreas, liver, intestines, and colon) and absorb healthy nutrients, effectively to reach optimum physical wellness.
Elimination I and II
Discover how to eliminate toxins with wheatgrass, rejuvelac, juice fasting, raw organic food, colon cleansing, exercise, and massage.
Emotional Detoxification
Improve your emotional wellness by learning to feel, process, and understand the important role your emotions play in creating and maintaining health and well-being. Discover the healing power of forgiveness.
Food Combining
Discover the best way to combine foods to optimize the way your body digests food and absorbs nutrients.
Friday Night Live
Share your personal gifts. Demonstrate a skill, sing a song, share a poem, act in a skit, or dance for joy. Enjoy camaraderie, laughter, and friendship on this night of celebration.
Hands on Wheatgrass
Learn how wheatgrass is high in chlorophyll, minerals, vitamins, and enzymes and how it helps in detoxification, digestion, and blood flow to restore health. Visit the greenhouse and see how wheatgrass and sprouts are grown. In this class, you will plant your own tray of wheatgrass. (Only at OHI San Diego)
Implementing the Program
Discover useful tools such as juicers, dehydrators, and sprouting supplies that can help you at home. Focus on how to improve your environmental health when you return home.
Inspirational Testimonials
Discover the miracles that happen at OHI when guests share inspiring stories of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing and wellness.
Juicing Instruction
Join others in the juice room and learn to juice your own wheatgrass.
Lymphatic Exercise
Practice gentle exercise and walk every morning. Stimulate the lymphatic system to eliminate toxins, boost the immune system, and contribute to the healing process.
Mental Detoxification
Learn how to improve mental and emotional wellness by understanding how beliefs, thoughts, and emotions can make you sick. Learn to cancel, reframe, and replace negative thoughts with positive ones to facilitate the healing process. Develop a mindfulness practice for maintaining a positive attitude - affirmations, visualization, journaling, sharing gratitude, and living in the present.
OHI for Life Program BasicsBring your life into balance with purpose, a positive attitude, persistence, patience, and prayer.
Release Ceremony
Spiritual wellness requires vulnerability and dedication. In a safe and sacred circle of fellowship, burn a list of anything in the past that no longer serves you well. Release it to God, so you can be in the present, set positive intentions for the future, and learn ways to improve spiritual wellness.
Saturday Night: Movie
Enjoy an inspirational and/or funny movie in an atmosphere of friendship for a boost to your social wellness.
Self Esteem
Learn about self-esteem - how it’s formed and how it can impact your health and well-being. Identify your emotional wellness goals, validate your self-worth, and build self-esteem for your personal growth.
For your physical wellness, join the afternoon stretch class to increase circulation, gain greater flexibility, relax your body, and calm your mind. Feel refreshed and revitalized in the middle of the day.
Tools for change
Focus on your environmental wellness. Learn how personal and household products can bring toxins into your life. Discover organic products that are better for you and our planet.
Vision Boards & Rock Painting
Work with the laws of attraction and affirmations to create a visual representation of your optimum life. There is also time for connection and fellowship with other OHI community members, where you can exchange spiritual wellness tips.
Vocal Toning
Practice toning -- an ancient vocal exercise that uses simple sounds to reestablish a natural flow of energy through your body. Use this simple, yet powerful technique for creating harmony from inside out to reach a meditative state and improve your spiritual health and wellness.
"You" ValidationLearn to find the friend in your mirror. Participate in this loving class, where fellow guests share qualities they like about you. All you have to do is say "Thank you" and smile. This class will teach you how to practice gratitude. Discover how giving and receiving validation are equally important to body, mind, and spiritual wellness.
Second Week Classes
Explore new ways to live your life. Learn how to prepare nutritious meals. Discover your purpose, and begin practicing mindfulness as you explore simple ways to improve your overall total wellness.
At home follow-up
Review key guidelines that will help you understand ways to improve your environmental health and continue a cleansing diet when you return home.
Enhance your intellectual wellness by learning to identify different communication styles (aggressive, submissive, and assertive). Learn how to communicate more effectively.
Conscious breathing I
Learn the spiritual disciplines related to breathing to release stress, control pain, increase emotional awareness, enhance concentration, facilitate personal growth, and enhance total wellness.
Discover how enzymes function in your body and your food. And see a demonstration that compares cooked versus raw food. (Only at OHI Austin)
Fermented foods I
Learn how to make fermented foods (For example, rejuvelac, sauerkraut, seed cheese) to aid digestion.
Focus I and II
Use your Optimum Health Planner to help you focus on your highest priorities. Look at how you spend your time, identify your core values, and define goals that support these values to achieve what matters most to you.
Menu planning
Nutrition and wellness go hand in hand. Learn how to plan nutritious meals to maintain a healthy diet after you leave one of our healing centers.
Organic gardening
Improving your environmental health is an essential component of overall health and wellness. Discover how to garden organically, and how to support organic farmers for the health of our planet. (Only at OHI San Diego)
Personal care
Boost your wellness in body, mind, and spirit by making your own organic face mask. Discover new ways to improve your emotional wellness as you apply it, relax, then wash it off, and feel radiant!
Sprouting instruction
Learn how to soak and sprout nuts, seeds, grains, and beans to activate the life force inherent in young food.
Your life is a gift
Learn how to practice gratitude effectively, let go of unhealthy demands and expectations, change perceptions, and develop new pathways to unconditional love and happiness for total wellness in body, mind, and spirit.
Second-week community members are invited to repeat the following classes and activities:
- Alpha I
- Closing Class
- Emotional Detoxification
- Friday Night Live
- Lymphatic Exercise
- Release Ceremony
- Saturday Night Movie
- Stretch
- Testimonials
- Vision Boards & Rock Painting
- Vocal Toning
- “You” Validation
Third Week Classes
Gain experience in preparing live foods that you can use at home. Practice advanced alpha state relaxation techniques that deepen your spiritual wellness. Explore the connection between your body, mind, and spirit.
Alpha II
Learn alpha state meditation techniques that can help you heal your body. Focus on the spiritual dimension of wellness when you tap into your subconscious, access your creativity and intuition, visualize positive outcomes, and increase your awareness of God.
Conscious breathing II
Practice conscious breathing techniques to integrate total wellness of the body, mind, and spirit - generating a profound state of relaxation and increased energy. (Only at OHI San Diego)
Dehydrated foods I and II
Learn how to slowly remove moisture from fruits, vegetables and sprouts to preserve nutrition and flavor of foods using a dehydrator. See how nutritious crackers, pizza crusts, and snacks from live foods are made. (At OHI San Diego, this information is taught in two classes. At OHI Austin, this information is taught in one class.)
Diet maintenance
Learn how to transition to the OHI maintenance diet of 80% raw and 20% cooked food to maintain energy and vitality after completing the detoxification diet.
Entrees and buffet preparation
Take everything you learned in our food prep classes and experience the flavors in our tasty raw food buffet.
Fermented Foods II
Learn how to use the relationship between your body and mind to positively influence the state of your health. Discover the difference between the conscious and subconscious mind and how positive thoughts and emotions promote healing. Enhance total body-mind-spirit wellness. (Only at OHI San Diego)
Mind/Body connection
Learn how to use the relationship between your body and mind to positively influence the state of your health. Discover the difference between the conscious and subconscious mind and how positive thoughts and emotions promote healing.
Third-week community members are invited to repeat the following classes and activities:
- Alpha I
- Closing Class
- Emotional Detoxification
- Friday Night Live
- Lymphatic Exercise
- Release Ceremony
- Saturday Night Movie
- Stretch
- Testimonials
- Vision Boards & Rock Painting
- Vocal Toning
- “You” Validation

“I’ve always been a pretty positive person, but being here at OHI has taken it to a new level. I really do feel genuinely happy, at peace, and grateful every day. I meditate regularly, and continue to learn and grow. My life going forward is full of exciting opportunities and possibilities!”
-- Amber Hicks
OHI program graduates have attended all three weeks of classes and activities. Once you complete the OHI Program, you will receive a personalized OHI Certificate of Completion at OHI’s Friday Graduate Ceremony. As an OHI program graduate, you become a part of a growing community of people dedicated to living healthy, joyful, and spirit-filled lives. OHI graduates are also eligible to apply for OHI’s Missionary Program.
Become more self-reliant and empowered to achieve your optimum health. Start your journey to graduation and achieving your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness goals: Make your reservation now
Sample Day at OHI
Our 21-day holistic program is formulated to bring harmony to your body, mind, and spirit. We do this by following daily schedule, like the monastic tradition. Each day is designed to ensure that your body’s natural rhythm is restored.
- Morning classes and activities inspire and motivate you to make healthy choices in life and throughout the day.
- Afternoon classes and activities encourage exploration on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
- Evening classes and activities help you integrate the teachings and tools you gathered throughout your day.
- Following this daily rhythm enables transformation so that you can achieve optimum health.
Whether you are a first-time or returning guest, we encourage you to find the right balance between scheduled activities (e.g., classes, meals, exercise) and free time (optional treatments, journaling, relaxation, and rest).
The following schedule represents a typical day Monday to Friday. On weekends, circle and mealtimes remain the same, but class time is reduced to offer you more free time for relaxation or optional services.
7:30 am – Gentle Lymphatic Exercise Class. This class stimulates the lymphatic system to eliminate toxins, boost the immune system, and contribute to the healing process.
8:30 am – Morning Circle Time / Prayer / Breakfast. This is an opportunity for the entire community of guests, missionaries, and staff to gather, connect, and hear our morning inspirational reading. After which, breakfast is served.
9:30 am – Morning Class. Guests attend either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd-week class.
12:30 pm – Afternoon Circle Time / Prayer / Lunch. The entire community gathers for our afternoon reading of encouragement and gratitude practice. After which, lunch is served.
1:30 pm – Afternoon Class. Guests attend either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd-week class.
3:30 pm (OHI Austin) – Stretch class or free time. Our stretch class is where students gently move body-to-breath, and learn to be present in the moment.
4:30 pm (OHI San Diego) – Stretch class or free time. Our stretch class is where students gently move body-to-breath and learn to be present in the moment.
6:00 pm – Evening Circle Time / Prayer / Dinner. The community gathers once again at our evening reading to integrate the day’s teachings. After which, dinner is served.
7:00 pm – Evening Class. Guests attend either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd-week class.
8:30 pm – Retire to bed.